
Anger is a natural human response to certain life experiences. It’s a basic human emotion that can appear at times when we feel under attack, deceived, upset, insulted or violated. Anger can keep us safe against perceived or real threats. Expressing anger can be a healthy way to release tension but if it’s excessive or out of control it can be problematic. Individuals can experience difficulties if they feel that their anger does not go away if it’s expressed in aggression or threatening behaviour. Some expressions of anger include: 

  • Breaking things 
  • Hurting others 
  • Driving Recklessly
  • Using verbally aggressive language 

At times individuals may not be so vocal with their expression of anger. Instead, they may internalise their anger and take it out on themselves. Here are some signs of anger: 

  • Physical: faster heartbeat, tense muscles, clenching your fists, tightness in your chest, feeling hot
  • Mental: feeling tense or nervous, being unable to relax, being easily irritated, feeling humiliated, resenting other people

If an individual experiences intense anger for long periods of time it can impact their physical health including increased blood pressure, insomnia or headaches. It can also lead to other mental health issues such as depression or alcohol misuse. Anger can change the way we feel about ourselves and can put a significant strain on relationships. Reaching out for support if you feel your anger is overwhelming or hurting others around you can be beneficial.

Our specialists in this area include Werner Sævland